What is a CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture.  It is a way for you, a member of the community, to support your local farmer in the most impactful way. For our CSA members, we provide a premium selection of our organic fed, diverse-pasture raised, heritage breed pork, organic & biodynamically grown greens, & eggs laid by our Heritage hens that are fed organic & rotated on diverse-pasture to meet our member’s needs. Each CSA share is purchased before the start of the growing season, we consider this an investment in our farm. As a CSA share member, you will get an inside glimpse at what a small diversified organic & biodynamic farm’s season is like. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with where your food comes from, celebrate eating seasonally, lift up your local economy, learn more about the environmental impacts of farming & how we focus on creating regenerative, living soil.

By becoming a CSA member, you are helping us with the ongoing costs associated with breeding & raising heritage breed, pasture-raised pork. This allows us to focus on raising healthy, happy pigs and growing regenerative, diversified pasture and vegetables.

As a thank you for your support and commitment to the farm, CSA members have exclusive benefits which include receiving  5% off any additional items that you purchase, access to on-farm events, the “take what you will use” table at on-farm share pickups(will always include broth bones), recipes with each share box, and a monthly farm newsletter to keep you up to date on what is happening on the farm.